From the 1880s to the 1970s, Springfield was protected by a Gamewell Fire Alarm Telegraph System and red alarm boxes were typically located at street corners as well as some public buildings
When a box was pulled, a spring-loaded wheel transmitted its number and the bells at the city's fire stations clanged out the location.
Firefighters also used Gamewell boxes to request assistance - second alarm, third alarm, etc. - and transmit ``out tap'' signals declaring a fire under control.
On Sept. 23, 1915, Superintendent of Fire Alarm Lawrence Bosley, 45, was fatally injured in fall from a telegraph pole on Main Street, just west of Burnett Road, while doing line maintenance.
When a box was pulled, a spring-loaded wheel transmitted its number and the bells at the city's fire stations clanged out the location.
Firefighters also used Gamewell boxes to request assistance - second alarm, third alarm, etc. - and transmit ``out tap'' signals declaring a fire under control.
On Sept. 23, 1915, Superintendent of Fire Alarm Lawrence Bosley, 45, was fatally injured in fall from a telegraph pole on Main Street, just west of Burnett Road, while doing line maintenance.
List of Telegraph Signals
Beers' History of Clark County - 1881
Beers' History of Clark County - 1881
6 The Western engine house.
7 Corner of High and Spring streets.
8 Central engine house.
9 Corner Lagonda avenue and Nelson street.
12 Corner Monroe and Spring streets.
13 Corner North and Limestone streets.
14 Corner Chestnut avenue and Limestone street.
15 Corner Main and Limestone streets.
16 Corner Ferncliff avenue and Market street.
17 Corner Main and Center streets. 18 Corner Center street and Obenchain alley.
21 At Spangenberger House. East Main street.
23 Corner Lagonda avenue and Main street.
24 Corner York and High streets.
25 Corner Tavlor and Pleasant streets.
26 Corner Linden avenue and Clifton street.
27 Corner Pleasant and East streets.
28 Corner High street and East streets.
29 Corner High and Forrest avenue.
31 Corner Hizer and Limestone streets.
32 Corner Center and Pleasant streets.
34 Corner Factory and Washington streets.
35 Corner Mechanic and Pleasant streets.
41 Corner Yellow Springs and Pleasant streets.
42 Corner Yellow Springs and Main streets.
43 Corner Clifton avenue and Liberty street.
51 Corner North and Plum streets.
52 Carner Main and Light streets.
53 Corner Main and Isabella streets.
61 Champion Machine Company's shops, Monroe street.